Name of Company*
Address of Registered Office*
Address of Corporate Office*
Year of incorporation of the company*
Company registration number*
D-U-N-S Number or Any International Business Credit file number
Import permission number/Licence
Products which are allowed to be imported under your Import Permission Number/Licence*
Name of Contact Person for communications*
Telephone Number*
Mobile Number*
Fax Number*
Email address*
Company’s Website*
What is your current primary buiness?*
Annual Total Sales Turnover (in USD) for last 3 years*
Does your company into import business of Food, Herbal, Ayurvedic, FMCG*
If yes, since how many years?
Do you have any authorized /Sole distributorship rights of any brand/s?*
If yes, please provide the list of the brands, of which you have authorized / Sole distributor rights.
What are the areas and territories in your country that you cover in your current business?*
How many retail outlets your company has access to
Do you have a Sales & Marketing team , if yes please provide organizational chart, or organogram
Do you have your own stores?*
If yes, how many? Please provide details of the same
How many employees are currently working for your organisation?*
Do you have your own Product Distribution Vehicles?*
If yes, how many? Please provide details of the same with this application.
Do you have warehousing and storage facilities? *
If yes, how many & their respective sizes?
Full Name , Mobile Number, Email ID, Designation & place of the person who referred you to Patanjali Export Department or its self-initiated? (All details are required otherwise the enquiry will be discarded)*
Food & Beverages (Flour, Ghee, Confectionary, Oil, Pickles, Honey, Spices, Juice & Sharbats)Personal Care (Soaps, Body Creams, Mehandi, Hand washes, Toothpaste, Body oils & Rose Water etc.)Ayurvedic Products (General- Digestives & Chyawanprash)Ayurvedic Products (Others- Capsules, Churnas, etc)
Any other information/disclosure that you would like to share?
I Agree with Term and Conditions*