Patanjali Stores January 24, 2017 Comments are off for this post demo formss Name Of the Applicant * Father/Husband’s Name * Location for Mega Store* District* State* Pincode* E-Mail* Mobile No* Does Applicant have any other business, if yes then detail * Proposed area* Expected Investment* If Associated with any Political/Social/Religious Institution then give Detail Detail of existing nearest Patanjali Chikitsalaya and Arogya Kendras* 1. 2. 3. Number of Patanjali Kendras in the Name of Applicant or his family/Relatives If Mega Store, Number of Mega Store If Chikitsalaya, Number of Chikitsalaya If Arogya Kendras, Number of Arogya Kendras If Distributor, Number of Distributor I Agree with Term and Conditions Authorized Store Forms(Mega Store Forms & Patanjali Chikitsalaya & Arogya Kendra) with Terms & Conditions Download HindiDownload English Gramin Arogya Kendra Forms (Terms & Conditions) Download Share: 386856 Prev article Next article